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Showing posts from October, 2017


I'll be talking about some of my favorite characters that I made up.  1. G, who's actual name is Gina. She's Korean and a total FOB. She flirts and giggles a lot. I actually hate her, and so does every other character, except for the occasional guy who cannot see past her pretty face.  2. Sam, if you read my other blog, you might get an idea of where I got the general idea of his character. There's something magical in the name Sam... All the Sams are either cute or funny or both. Anyway, Sam's pretty quiet He's smart and practical. He's also really good looking and polite, and crazy once you get to know him. He's also Korean.  3. Helen, who is basically an exaggerated version of my 6th grade self. She's... Well, she's Korean too. Goodness. She's really mean, but pretty smart, not pretty. What she lacks in looks she has in brains. She doesn't like to show her emotions and stresses out easily and yells at everyone. Basically she makes